This is the orientation module of the course SPED 722 taught by Prof. Elaine Gale.

Orientation tasks:
- Review Welcome to SPED 722
- Review Course mode of instruction
- Review A quick tour of our Blackboard course
- Review How to succeed
- Join Flipgrid group
- Post Flipgrid introduction
- Complete Orientation test (5 questions)
Welcome to SPED 722
Link to video introduction: h
Welcome to SPED 722: The study of ASL educational linguistics. I am so excited to be your teacher this year! Here are some of the things we will be cover in this course
- Linguistic structure of ASL: phonology, morphology, syntax, pragmatics, and discourse rules
- ASL acquisition during infancy, childhood and adolescent
- Differences between ASL and English linguistics
Required Reading: Sign Language Acquisition by Deaf and Hearing Children

Weekly Assignments: Pre-test, Post-test, Exit Ticket
I am looking forward to all of us working together for deaf and hard of hearing students!
Course mode of instruction
This course is conducted entirely online. You do not have to be present on campus to complete any portion of it. You will participate in the course using Hunter College’s course management system, Blackboard.
While online classes at Hunter do not take place in real time, they are not correspondence or self-paced courses. You will find readings, activities and assignments in each weekly folder on Blackboard by clicking Course Sessions in the purple sidebar menu. You may choose at what time during the week to do the assignments but they have to be completed by their designated deadlines, Fridays by 7:10 for pre-tests and Wednesdays by 7:10 for post-tests as well as exit tickets. Learning in an online environment is a substantially different experience from attending a traditional campus-based course. Interaction between students and the instructor, between students and course content, and among students have been built into the course. Students who succeed in an online course tend to be self-directed, follow directions, and manage their time well. They are expected to spend a minimum of four hours per week on coursework for a 2-credit class.
ASL will be the instructional language used to teach this course.
A quick tour of our Blackboard course

How to succeed
- Check Blackboard regularly for updates
- Complete pre-tests within 48 hours, sooner the better
- Complete exit tickets on time
- Complete post-tests on time
- Reach out if any questions [email protected]
- Read Tips for Taking Online Classes: 8 Strategies for Success
Let’s Meet
We will be using Flipgrid weekly for our Exit Tickets. To get started, take this opportunity to join our Flipgrid group and to introduce yourself to your classmates.
When introducing yourself, in ASL, share your name, where you are from, why you are interested in deaf education, and what makes you smile. Maximum recording time is 3 minutes.

Orientation Test
This pre-test is to assess knowledge. While the actual test score will not be counted, participation will be counted. The expected time to complete this pre-test is 5 minutes or less.