This is the orientation module for Prof. Jack Kenisberg’s summer class in Sociolinguistics.
Orientation: Look at this first!

In this folder, you can find:
Key Questions for this course :
- What is this course about?
- How is this course structured?
- How can I succeed in this course?
- Who is this Jack person anyway?
Who is this Jack person anyway? (Voicethread)
Commenting in a VoiceThread
Commenting in a VoiceThread
We’re going to be using voicethread every week, so I thought it would be a good idea to include a little tutorial.
How can I succeed in this class?
8 strategies for getting the most out of an online class
Northeastern University offers some good advice for taking online courses. Google “how to succeed in an online course” and see who else is offering the same advice and what other good pieces of advice are floating around out there.